Many of you have read my last post and wondered, "So WILL Jason LaRue ever get justice?" It's called a cliffhanger, folks! I'm building suspense. Also, it turns out that the finale of that post will be closely modeled after the finale of the Harry Potter franchise (i.e., split into 2). So the next segment of that series (the first half of part 2) is in the proofreading stage. Meanwhile, the second half of part 2 is practically writing itself. And it has told me it will be done with itself by the end of this week.
In the meantime, we interrupt that series with a post involving some relatives of the Hungry Preacher himself. It started when Beth discovered that her youngest daughter enjoyed watching "American Idol" with her. It become known as "their show".
When the "American Idol Tour" rolled into St. Louis a couple weeks back, Beth had the idea that maybe, just maybe, going to that show would be a fun night of mother/daughter bonding. Realizing that we only live once, we got a couple of tickets, and told Monkey 2 the plan. She was very excited.
Monkey 1 has never been into American Idol, but we decided that she and her daddy could have a corresponding night out. So a couple of Wednesdays ago, while Beth and Monkey 2 went to the American Idol concert, Monkey 1 and me went to a place called "Sports Fusion" out in Chesterfield. We went for the indoor miniature golf but found quite a bit more. Here is the photographic evidence of our double date, starting with me and Monkey 1.
After the first hole, she was actually beating me by a stroke. |
Her mom played golf in high school and is widely recognized as one of the best lady golfers at her law firm. Clearly, the apple fell from that tree. |
After much convincing, I finally agreed to pay for a round of laser tag before we left. Fortunately, there were only 6 people on the course: the 2 of us and 4 high school girls. Monkey 1 and me were on a team, and the 4 girls were split into 2 teams. Monkey 1 was very stealth, and benefited by having the height of her head be just above many of the barriers of cover. Thus, she could stand upright and look out over the course while her vest was still out of the line of fire. Tall people like me had to continually duck or squat down or risk being shot.
Like they say, "It's not the size of the gun, it's the size of the gun in relation to your entire body." |
Meanwhile, at the Scottrade Center...
Mommy and Monkey 2 were having a blast. |
We discovered that Monkey 2 takes her concerts very seriously. |
And she's out. |
All in all, the evening was a lot of fun for all parties involved, and both of the girls felt like they'd been given a very special treat. Of course, Beth and I felt like we'd been given a special treat, and we still do feel that way every day we spend with our little Monkeys.
I just wanted to share the joy a little bit. Thanks for reading, and I'll write more soon.
Some of my fondest memories as a child are of me and one of my parents having a date. Looks like all had a great time. -Niccole